My operation to remove the cancerous tumour and bowel it lived in was a success and on day 5 I returned home. I knew I would receive the results of the pathologists report on Friday 15th July, another Friday with news to be had!
Mia rang as promised with the results; From the 19 lymph nodes removed along with tumour and part bowel, two of them were infected by cancer cells, as were the blood vessells. Both the nodes and blood vessells infected were close to the tumour the further 17 were clear.
So now I will embark on the next part of my journey. Meeting my oncologist in the next two weeks to discuss the treatment plan.
This will be 6 months of chemo on a Scotts trial with a line in for IV administration of the drug. Im talking a foreign language here so excuse me if its muddled! :/ Within the next 8 weeks once I've healed and got my strength back, I will start the chemo. The tumour was given a stage 3 status due to node involvement. I have cried this afternoon I have to admit even though I expected to have follow up treatment. I felt as if this last week since the tumour was removed I no longer had cancer and now with this news of cells present and chemo to follow I still do...
However, I know that this follow up treatment is life saving and that I have been very lucky in catching this and being able to have it removed and that it has not Matastised. So onwards and upwards the battle to continue - phase 2.
Lets clear the muddy footprints it has left behind and ensure my inards are clean and sparkly very soon!