Wednesday 7 March 2012

Where Have You Been?...

It's been almost a month since my last blog!
Where have I been?
What have I been doing?

The 12th and last cycle of chemo took the wind out of my sails completely. Friday 17th February 2012, a day of freedom! The chemo was disconnected and my PICC line removed (which took literally about 2 seconds and I didn't even know she had done it) all 2 ft of it. The relief was overwhelming. Symbolically this marked the end. I cried, Mike welled up and a young woman who was waiting to have her PICC care done also cried. She knew exactly how I felt in that moment.

After the initial euphoria, I felt exhausted. For the next week I slept and had little to no energy. I was surprised at how chemo cycle 12 had wiped me out more than any other cycle. I cried a lot. The usual post chemo week was horrible. I was so low, so lethargic and it frustrated me. Gradually I picked up.

When the following week came around, with no appointments to attend, it began to sink in. It was over! On the Wednesday( when I would normally go into the hospital for my chemo) in order to celebrate, I arranged with two of my long distance friends to do a synchronised 'Happy Snoopy Dance'! I sent out the dance steps and a little video so we all knew the moves!!! At 2pm Jo and Becks joined me in my celebration. How funny.

That week I also received a message via Twitter that Terri @freshchapter was going to be in Bristol the following week. We arranged to meet up for lunch if I felt well enough. Terri is from Canada but is currently embarking on a world tour. She has sold her apartment and all her belongings to take a year out visiting cancer patients in countries such as Vietnam, India, Peru, Rwanda.  Ive been following Terri's blog ( for the last 8 months. Ive seen her plans, dreams take shape and finally become a reality. Her blog is incredible and inspirational. I recommend you read it. So to finally meet Terri was a very exciting prospect. We spoke on the phone and arranged a lunch time meet. Mike drove me to the restaurant and waited with me until Terri arrived. This was the first time I had been out in public for 3 months. It felt so good and I felt so 'normal'.

Terri and I spent just 1.5hrs together talking about our own diagnosis, the side affects and  how it has changed our view on life. Terri told me about the people she had met and the countries she had already visited in the last 5 months and where her journey will take her next.  As we said our goodbyes I didn't feel sad but excited for her, inspired by her. We will keep in touch and I will follow her journey via her blog. Maybe one day we shall meet again. I hope so. I felt so positive having been in her company for such a short time. An amazing woman doing amazing things!

So now you know where Ive been this past month. Ive lots planned for the end of March and on into April. Exciting things, new things and some much awaited everyday 'normal' things! Planning the future puts a huge smile on my face.

 Ive finally landed back on Planet Earth...Hello World!!

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